DigMyPics Review From Colorado Springs, CO - Look No Further...These Folks Are Good!
I spent a lot of time deciding who would be trusted with my Dad's 35mm slides covering our family's life together from the 1950s through the 1970s, so trust me when I say I looked at many services and offerings before finally deciding upon DigMyPics. I had never heard of them before, but I've already given their name out to at least four other people who have slides (and 8mm film) just waiting to be transferred to digital. Why? Because every step of the process...from getting responses to questions before the order, to placing the order, to reviewing the proofs online (and being able to delete the ones I didn't want without cost), to the reward of seeing just how great a job they did on the nearly 800 slides I sent them...was nothing short of outstanding. I can't begin to tell you how well these digitals look -- zero dust, excellent color (even on those that were certainly showing color decay), the best contrast capable, and perfect image size for HD viewing or printing (I used the lowest 35mm scan resolution based on their advice...which was spot on) -- simply fantastic! To say I am pleased with the result is a huge understatement -- and my family will concur after viewing the slide presentation that I just showed at my Dad's 80th birthday last week!