DigMyPics Review From Ellington, CT - Film to DVD Conversion
This was a very smooth transition from the time I first made contact with DigMyPics until delivery of the final product which is fantastic. Since receipt, I have forwarded copies to members of my family from CT to ME to WA (aven't heard from them yet.) The video contains images of all members of my family from my parents and all their children and the families of those that were married at the time - approx. 1965. Many of those in them have passed away and the DVDs were sent to their surviving relatives. I'm the youngest of 5 children. I was 15 at the time. The DVDs will serve as reminders / memorials of the loved ones lost. I cannot thank you enough for your service and the interaction via both email and phone provided by your staff. It was fast, efficient and produced a quality product.