DigMyPics Review From west linn, or - Letter for the crew at DigmyPics:
Hey there, I have just completed an order with you guys and am currently downloading all my pics as I type this. I have wanted to get my personal pictures scanned for a good amount of time and when my mom died, and passed a ton of her pictures to me, I figured now was the time to get them digitized so I could share them with my family. I searched for a long time for a place to get my pictures done and had narrowed it down to a few places but each of these places seemed to lack something personal to the process. I say personal because these pictures are personal to me and my family. They might not mean anything to any one else but to me they are small time capsules of memories and they are precious beyond measure. Your service was the only service I found where I felt like you cared not only about me as a customer but about my pictures as a whole The process started, for me, by sending you a multitude of emails. Each one was quickly answered with a courtesy that seems to be lacking in some of your competitors. Often one of the many people answering back would suggest something that might help but i never felt like you were trying to up-sell me to something. It felt, again, more personal. Like a dear friend saying, "Hey maybe you would like to do it this way?" Once the scanning process started i cant tell you how immeasurable the joy i and my family had watching your team put new scanned pictures into the folders. Every day was exciting, like a new treasure was brought out into the light. Furthermore, as someone who understands the process that you were going through to some extent, I was quite appreciative of the time and energy your team put in on the project. The fact that you take the time to hand scan, crop, and improve each picture that you touch gives me the confidence that my pictures were being treated how I would treat them and perhaps even better. So from the bottom of my and my family’s heart I want to tell the crew there at Digmypics, Thank you. Thank you so much for the work you put in on my order and the level of customer service and professionalism you all posses. It was a joy working with you all and i will most definitely be recommending your service in the future. -Shawn