Don't Want, Don't Pay™
Don't want some of your scans? Delete them! Once we scan and manually color and exposure correct each of your photos you'll be able to review them online and delete the ones you don't want. We'll deduct the full scanning charge for each deleted photo for up to 20% of the photos in each type of photo in your order.
This saves you the time and frustration of looking through all of your photos to decide what is worth sending in to scan, just send your entire collection and delete the ones you don't want online!
This service only applies to photos. This service is not available for video or tape transfers.
How The Process Works
Step 1: Send us your photos - no need to sort through them all!

Step 2: After scanning, we'll let you know how to view your images online!

Step 3: Choose the ones you want to delete the ones you don't!

Step 4: Make your online payment and start enjoying your images!

How the credits work
Let's say you send us 100 prints, 100 35mm slides, and 100 Medium format negatives for a total or 300 photos. You can delete as many as you want from your 300 photos but let's say you delete 20 prints, 30 slides and 10 Medium format negatives.
You'll get a credit for all 20 deleted prints
You'll get a credit for 20 of the 30 deleted slides (because you exceed 20% of the slides)
You'll get credit for all 10 of the deleted Medium format negatives
We then only charge you for 80 prints, 80 slides, and 90 Medium Format Negatives.
You can remove as many of the unwanted photos as you like but credits stop accumulating after you've deleted 20% of the photos for that photo type. Specialty services such as expedite fees, slide remounting fees and album page removal fees are non-refundable. You will have up to 21 days to review and complete your order. If you haven't completed your reviewing within that time frame, we will automatically bill you for all of the photos and ship everything back to you.