DigMyPics Review From Salem - Old 8mm Film Transfer
My wife and I have been holding onto an old wooden box filled with 48 ancient 50-ft 8mm films shot by my father (and in two or three cases my grandfather and/or his family members) dating as far back as 1941. The films and the reel cases were covered in all sorts of white spots that we suspected were mildew stains. Looking at the film under a strong magnifying glass showed all sorts of mildew damage. Scouring the net, I found and read about Digmypics.com, and read that they cleaned and lubricated 8mm film before individually scanning every frame. The price seemed right, and so we sent six reels for digitizing. The results were AMAZING! Although they couldn't make my forefathers better cinematographers, Digmypics.com produced STUNNING files of these old films. I can't thank them enough. We're sending out the six transfers to a couple of family members, hoping we can combine resources to get the entire film collection scanned next year. Thank you Digmypics.com for the WONDERFUL service!