DigMyPics Review From Half Moon Bay, CA - What a fantastic slideshow you created!
I was a little nervous to send all my photos to a company I had just discovered online. I found the process of submitting them a bit overwhelming (very detailed) and called to get help (a couple of times!). Everyone was calm and helpful in answering my questions. The forms are detailed for a reason and the end result was a most professional product. I was thrilled to give this dvd slideshow as a fitting tribute and birthday gift. I should add that when digmypics has finished scanning all photos and written work, it is most helpful to be able to see it all online before you submit the final order. I was able to eliminate what I did not like or need. The only suggestion I have at the moment is for you to give digmypics enough time to work on your presentation. Also, give thought to the mailing choices you make. My dvd did not arrive back in time for the birthday party. It was not such a problem this time, but I was hesitant to send another more time-sensitive project to them because of this. I had to use a local company. However, I would never choose to go local with enough time because digmypics is the most reasonabily priced andprovides the most professionally producedproduct. They also have excellent customer service and support. In my opinion, you can't do better anywhere.