Upload your photos to your Facebook account

Click the "Login with Facebook" button. 

This will bring you to the Facebook log in page on Facebook's site.

Fill in your user name and password.  (Note: this information isn't given to us. We're simply given permission to have access to your Facebook account to load images,etc)

After logging in, Facebook will ask you to grant us permission to use your account.  You'll need to grant us access by clicking the "Allow" button. 

After clicking "Allow", you'll be sent back to our site with the information that you've granted us permission and we'll show you this screen. 

 Make sure you read the details in the page above.  It tells you some important facts about Facebook and how it works and how our system works.  It's also updated more frequently.

Click the link that says "Click here to continue".  This will bring you back to your don't want don't pay session but now you'll see a button under each photo that will allow you to upload your favorites straight to your Facebook photos.  It puts them in a folder under Photos called Uploads.  

When you look at your Facebook pages, you'll see this.  You can go in and add comments about each photo and even name the faces in your photos.  Have fun!